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Fjölbrautaskólinn í Garðabæ (Gardabaer Comprehensive Secondary School)
Gardabaer Comprehensive Secondary School (FG) is an upper-secondary school in the Greater Reykjavík area. FG is a public school in accordance with the 2008 Upper Secondary School Act. A wide range of courses is offered with the emphasis on study programmes leading to matriculation and entrance to university. Programmes of study normally take 3 to 4 years.
FG is a unit-credit based school. A total of 202 credits are needed for matriculation and students normally complete 67 credits a year. Grades are given on a 1 - 10 scale.
Study programmes leading to matriculation are as follows:
Other programmes offered are:
Study programmes leading to matriculation are very varied and provide a solid preparation for university study. The main subjects of each programme are studied in depth. A final research course at tertiary level forms part of the majority of study programmes. Completion of a study programme is on a par with the level of education offered by Junior College in the U.S.A., Sixth Form College in Britain and the Gymnasium in Scandinavian countries. The school is best known for its popular Arts study programmes but also offers excellent programmes in physical education and academic study.
There are approximately 700 students at FG. A further 200 study through distance-learning. The teaching staff number around 60, with both experienced teachers and younger recently qualified teachers. All our teachers have a wide-ranging educational background and have studied in a variety of countries.
FG is housed in stunning purpose-built premises. The school is well equipped and every attempt has been made over recent years to improve all its teaching facilities. Wireless internet access is available throughout the building and students can connect to the internet at all times. Excellent facilities for self-study are provided in the extensive library where staff also provide help with finding sources and online search support. The school has a subscription to a number of magazines and journals but is also conscious of the need for increasing digitalization and provides access to various databases.
A range of social activities is available for students. The school play has received positive critical acclaim both at school and among the general public and the premiere forms the highlight of the school year. Students have performed popular musicals as well as plays which have been either adapted or written especially for the school. Several well-known Icelandic directors have directed the school play.
Skrifstofa skólans er opin mánudaga - fimmtudaga
kl. 08:00 - 15:30, föstudaga frá kl. 08:00 - 15:00
Skólabraut 6 | 210 Garðabæ
Strætó 24 stoppar við FG
Ritstjóri: Tinna Ösp Arnardóttir
Vefstjóri: Vilhjálmur Þór Sigurjónsson